SMS touch 1.2 supports TextExpander touch snippet expansion.
With TextExpander touch, you can type faster on your iPhone or iPod touch using short abbreviations that expand into long snippets. Compose notes and send them directly to Mail and Twitter clients, or use them in other apps on your iPhone via copy-and-paste.
SMS touch 1.2 integrates with TextExpander, meaning you can type your abbreviations directly in your SMS text and they will expand immediately.
SMS touch 1.2 is available from the App Store.
Monday, May 17, 2010
SMS touch 1.2
Posted by
Alco Blom
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
SMS touch
SMS touch is an application to send an SMS, just like SMS Mac, but designed for iPhone and iPod touch. SMS touch has its own web site and you can find more information, like screen shots and a demo video here:
Please remember to register with your SMS Mac account ID to get 10 extra SMS.
Posted by
Alco Blom
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Reply to Email
In general, when you send an SMS text message, you will want to receive the reply to your SMS on your mobile. This setting is called Reply to Mobile in the Handle Replies preference pane. Here you can enter your own mobile number.
However, you can imagine a situation where you do not have a mobile. Or, for example, you lost your mobile or it was stolen and you are in the process of getting a new one. During this time, you might still have the need to send some SMS text messages.
In this case, you can not receive the SMS replies, because you do not have a mobile.
SMS Mac offers a solution.
You can configure SMS Mac such that the replies are sent to your email address instead. In the Handle Replies preference pane, select the option Reply to Email and enter your email address.
Replies that your recipient will send to your SMS will now be redirected to your email address.
You must be aware that the recipient sees an unknown sender ID. This is the mobile number where SMS Mac will pick up the replies, so please be sure to end your SMS text with your name.
Posted by
Alco Blom
Monday, January 4, 2010
Delivery Reports
SMS Mac can give you information about the delivery status of the SMS you sent.
SMS Mac will always you send you an email when the delivery of the SMS has failed. There are several types of failures, for example, failed, expired and sim full. The kind of failure will be indicated in the email.
In the case of type failed, your SMS balance will be restored by 1 SMS.
The emails are sent to your SMS Mac account ID or the email address you have specified in the Reports preference pane.
Optionally, you can receive delivery reports when your SMS text messages have been delivered successfully. Open the Reports preference pane and select that preference if you are interested in receiving delivery reports of SMS that have been delivered.
Posted by
Alco Blom
Thursday, December 17, 2009
SMS Mac and AppleScript
SMS Mac also supports AppleScript.
So, if you want to send an SMS from an AppleScript, you can use SMS Mac to do that.
Just put the SMS Mac Scripting application (which is available from the download page) in the Applications folder and start scripting.
Many users have scripts running on servers that send an SMS to system administrators when something needs attention on the server.
The SMS Mac AppleScript page is here. There you can find various examples with, for example, the Apple applications Mail and iCal.
Posted by
Alco Blom
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Lion and Snow Leopard and SMS Mac
Since Snow Leopard (and also Lion), there is an issue with the Group SMS feature of SMS Mac.
Posted by
Alco Blom
Monday, October 15, 2007
Message Routing
When you send an SMS text message from either the SMS Mac widget or SMS Vista gadget, the message first goes through our server. Our server then submits the message to an SMS gateway. An SMS gateway has connections to the different networks in most countries. SMS Mac uses several different SMS gateways.
SMS Mac chooses the right gateway from the recipient's mobile phone number. The gateway depends on the country and sometimes even the mobile network.
We constantly monitor the sent messages. When a gateway has many failed SMS to a destination we change its routing to another SMS gateway. This allows us to quickly respond to problems and maintain a high quality of message delivery.
For almost all numbers our general routing works without problems. Once in a while a number is difficult to reach. Maybe it was ported to a different mobile network. We can then set up special routing for this number.
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